
07 May 2024, V1.9.0

- Mobile menu turn off issue fixed in responsive mode
- Weekly products not loading in home page builder
- Order table miscalculation fixed
- After completing the order carts not empty - issue fixed
- Addon installer updated
- Added sku generator button in product form for seller
- Staff Add product fixed
- Dashboard 500 problem after login fixed when seller system is deactivated
- Installer update
- Digital product issue fixed
- Seller registration issue fixed
- Staff issue fixed
- Product Not visible on backend fixed

- Added select2 serach for category and brand (which causes slow loading of page in product create/edit form, category create/edit form and home page builder)

23 January 2024, V1.8.0

Fixes Demo Mode Issue
-- Follow step below to fix demo mode--
1. Login to your hosting
2. Open and edit .env file
3. Change "DEMO_MODE=no" to "DEMO_MODE=false" 
4. Save file and login to admin dashboard
5. Click on "Clear Cache" button then process update system update

15 January 2024, V1.7.0

- Coupon amount issue fixed
- Seller payout request fixed
- Currency issue fixed
- Language issue fixed
- Ticket issue fixed for seller
- The buy now issue is fixed for guest checkout
- Meta image not found
- Installation issue fixed
- Addon installation issue fixed

- Google json ld updated
- Live currency updated
- PayTm updated
- S3 bucket updated

22 October 2023, V1.6.6

- Admin password change issue fixed
- Language issue fixed
- Currency issue fixed

19 September 2023, V1.6.5

- Security Update
- Improved performance
- Image cropping system update

- Fixed offline payment method image issue
- Removed unused image sizes
- Fixed image low-resolution issue
- Fixed some content not loading in frontend e.g. wishlist load more issues, coupon load more issues on the shop page, load more issues on order history, flash sale, and daily-deals     product
- Missing addons (Seller Subscription and Seller Chat System) included in All Addons Bundle
- Fixed blocked-mixed-content error for SSL error
- Recharge wallet paypal issue fixed
- Create a separate single menu for pages
- Wallet Recharge history image overflow issue fixed
- Fixes a few known minor bugs

17 April 2023, V1.6.4

- Automatic sitemap generation

- Added optimized role permission system
- Updated seller package layout

- Fixed admin login with a captcha
- Fixed issue with image extension changing
- Fixed issue with phone number field and product attribute
- Fixed order history issue
- Fixed favicon upload issue
- Fixed Excel import issue
- Fixed coupon code issue
- Fixed product campaign issue
- Fixed reward system API
- Fixed package list API
- Fixed cart controller API
- Fixed MarcadoPego payment gateway

15 February 2023, V1.6.3

- Security updated

- Translation issue fixed
- Offline payment image issue fixed
- Order Confirmation filter fixed
- Wallet issue Fixed
- Customer-to-seller registration issue fixed
- Product attribute value issue fixed
- Order Confirmation Issue fixed
- Meta tags optimized for SEO
- Google json ld fixed for SEO
- Known bug fixes

30 January 2023, V1.6.2

- Security updated

- Auto update issue fixed
- Admin password change issue fixed
- Clone product issue fixed
- Campaign banner responsive issue fixed
- Known bug fixes

20 January 2023, V1.6.1

No Change
Only Manual Update file included.

If you face any issue on/after update Please See Manual Update Process

17 January 2023, V1.6.1

- Guest Checkout Enable/disable form preference
- Email/phone verification disable/enable from a preference for registration

- GDPR updated (now policy can be select multiple/single)
- Security updated

- Home page builder in admin panel fixed
- Mobile menu cannot access fixed
- Page title issue fixed in some pages
- Category Status issue fixed and all categories page
- Sidebar category issue fix on responsive hide/show
- Installation something went wrong for session fixed
- SSL COMMERZE live issue fix in some sites
- Campaign Round Issue fixed for percentage
- Color scrolling issue fixed on product filter pages
- Sidebar category toggling problem fixed on mobile devices
- Language translation problem fixed
- Known bug fixes

22 December 2022, V1.6.0

- Added search option in brand page
- Added password view option for password fields
- Added permission for login as seller 
- Added state & city import option hide the permission
- Review option can now be seen by product based and image added to the list
- Button added in wallet history for showing offline payment methods recharge
- Added font support for Ancient characters
- Password confirmation field added for password fields
- Header and footer menu language wise can be added
- Payment GDPR added
- Custom product section added for home page builder
- SendinBlue, Zoho and Mailjet SMTP mail support added

- Remove page reload while featured and catalog toggler pressed
- Design update for role permission
- Admin and Seller differrent login page
- Variant Selection Updated
- Ajax call data for select option is optimized
- Image quality improves
- Small banner under the slider in home page restrict to 4 (other wise design is not looking good)
- Validation issues updated
- Seller bookmark option updated
- Review approve system removed
- Email settings updated
- Language keywords load time enhanced
- Security updated

- Fix validation issue for duplicate category name
- After order customer mail problem while reciving invoice
- Phone number issue fix
- Login issue fix for unverified seller
- Campaign details page issue fixed on frontend
- Role permission fixed on edit mode
- Payment missing in invoice after payment via paypal
- Calculation fixed for discounted product while ordering
- Price filtering fix
- Commission page reload issue fix
- Order cannot be paid from order details
- Order filtering issue is now more accurate
- Notification issue fixed
- Product sales count issue fixed
- Sales amount always in usd in graphs
- Category product commission based calculation fixed
- Coupon amount issue fixed while ordering
- Telephone input issue for country code fixed
- Seller Commission issue fixed
- Live currency issue fixed on some sites
- Curreny make default option on currency list
- Social login isseu fixed on registration page
- Contact us page address missing
- Reset password issue fixed
- Campaign details not loaded fixed
- Paid and assign to the delivery man issue fixed
- Rating issue (round up issue) fix
- Brand not loading more then 5 on product filter page
- Shop page builder fix
- Currency round up issue fixed on some section
- Firebase login options not enabling for google, facebook and twitter
- Dashboard graph not showing
- Product thumbnail showing wrong by default in details page
- PWA not loaded fixed
- Variant product selection issue
- Buy now option fixed
- Known bug fixes

15 November 2022, V1.5.4

- REVE System provider added for SMS

- SpaGreen remove from message provider
- Security updated

- Wallet Request 500 error fix
- Offline wallet request 500 error fix
- Currency modal problem for create/edit
- Price Calculation fixed
- Price Discount Calculation fix
- Google reCapctcha fix in admin login
- Invoice logo fixed
- Payment Type missing fixed in invoice
- Campaign Details Issue fixed
- Shop Follower Issue fixed
- Arrows in product gallery not found error fix
- Known bug fixes

24 October 2022, V1.5.3

- Bkash refund option added

- Dashboard query optimized
- CSS body tags and root sections modified
- Responsive sidebar category closes on navigating to the other pages
- Blog nested level reply issue removed. Only 2 level replies can be possible
- Blog image size specified in backend
- Brand banner size specified in backend
- Product queries optimize
- Home page builder query optimize
- Security updated

- Paypal payment method null goes to database fixed
- order table miscalculation issue fixed
- Top 5 brand issue show in dashboard
- Top 5 seller logo issue fix in dashboard
- Arrows button in product details page for gallery fixed
- Benefit section image problem (not showing in homepage) fixed
- Product showing problems with all products and homepage
- Footer section sign up as seller link fixed
- Notification seen/delete issue fixed
- Wishlist link enable for only customer.(admin/seller cannot access the wishlist page)
- Known bug fixes

11 October 2022, V1.5.2

- Currency live API option (can be enbale/disable from preference)
- Kkiapay payment gateway

- Product Image size specified
- Wallet request trait error fixed
- Category icon picker updated and optimized
- Role permission updated for "Add ons module" 
- Email system updated
- Product Image Zoomer fixed
- Bkash Updated
- Security updated

- Product cart design fixed
- Seller Uploaded banner issue fixed
- Iyzico active by default issue fixes
- Known bug fixes

12 September 2022, V1.5.1

- Description image preview option and delete option one by one
- Mix hot reload added from development mode

- Button design and SVG icon updated 
- By default color was added for buttons and menu
- Security & performance improvement

- Responsive design fixes & RTL issues fixes 
- Fixes offline method name not showing on wallet
- Select2 RTL issue fixes
- Server crash issue fix when updating into v1.5.0
- Fixes few known bugs

7 September 2022, V1.5.0

- Banner added in the topbar
- Product image for description section
- Admin panel on all pages short cut link added for view profile/shop or frontend pages
- 9 New payment Gateway added: Midtrans, skrill, mercadopago, Telr, google pay, Nagad, bKash, Aamarpay, Iyzico

- See all shortcut links for blogs added in the home page section
- Summernote Image upload option remove
- Attribute is no longer selected by default in the product details page
- State, City search option added

- Design & responsive improved
- Out-of-stock badge added in home page product card carousels
- NPM watch file missing issue fixed
- Mobile home screen builder issue fixed

16 August 2022, V1.4.2

Currency round-up Issue fixes
Shipping issue fix
Review Issue fix
Campaign product request issue
Permission issue fixed

10 August 2022, V1.4.1

Facebook Live chat added
Talk Live chat added
Image zoom in the product details page for the gallery
INTL. Telephone input in the admin panel
Vat/Tax option modify (Before/After Tax)
Currency dropdown switch option added in Navbar
New currency conversion in every place
State and City Import Option

Installer Submitted using jquery
Home Section Paginate
Wholesale quantity automatically calculates the min quantity from the previous max quantity
Migrate from customer to seller disabled in demo mode
Payment details are updated in the order summary
Homepage in sidebar menu subcategory linkable
Settings data update using jquery

Currency Round UP Issue Fix
Home section shimmer design fix
shipping configuration issue fix
Edit address issue in customer panel
Category ordering fix
Fixes a few known bugs

27 July 2022, V1.4.0

Upcoming eCommerce Mobile App Ready
Upcoming Delivery Boy Mobile App Ready

Performance Imporvement
Security Improvement
Responsive and RTL design updated
Facebook Pixel Source Code Instead ID
Google Analytics Source Code Instead ID
Title Changes "Delivery Hero to Delivery Boy" 

Few Known Issues Fixed

07 July 2022, V1.3.2

Buy Now button added
Stripe payment APIs support

Responsive and RTL design updated

Video issue fixed in product modal
Refund sticker removed when refund addon is not activated
SSLcommerze modified

27 June 2022, V1.3.1

Menu icon added on the mobile device
Compare Icon on responsive devices

Design update
Query Optimized

Few known bug fixes

23 June 2022, V1.3

Responsive & User-Friendly Mobile View
Flutterwave Payment Gateway
Mollie Payment Gateway
PayStack Payment Gateway
Separate Admin Login Page
Separate Seller Login Page
Category Wise Attribute Set
Category Wise Filter
Stock-out Product Visibility Option
Import Product From Excel/CSV File
Import Seller From Excel/CSV File
Import Customer From Excel/CSV File

Home Page UI Updated
Product Details Page UI Updated
Coupon UI Update
Query Optimized
Performance Improvement

Phone Login Issue Fixes
Pagination Issue Fixes
Fixes Few Major & Minor Bugs

04 June 2022, V1.2.3

Contact form added to seller public profile

Query optimized
Security improved
Seller public profile UI updated
Seller follow and unfollow added

Popup language issue fixes.
Few known bug fixes

01 June 2022, V1.2.2

Query Optimize
Important security update(Highly recommended to update all old versions)

Campaign load more product issue
Language error on the translation page

27 May 2022, V1.2.1

Campaign brands UI updated
Campaign shop UI updated
Home page brands UI update
Media library UI updated

Design issue fixes
Responsive issue fixes
Fixes a few important bugs

23 May 2022, V1.2.0

Added upcoming add-on support.
Invoice download option for guests.
Tracking order for guest

The child category was added to the design.
Shop widget UI updated.
Product add/update form UI update.
Media library UI updated.

Design issue fixes.
Pickup point issue fixes.
Fixed a few known bugs.

26 April 2022, V1.1.0

Guest checkout added
Wasabi storage added
Invoice amount based shipping cost added

Query optimized
Sit speed improvement

Order paynow issue fixes
Category language issue fixes
reCaptcha fixed
Fixes few important bugs

22 April 2022, V1.0.4

Language issue fixes
Upcoming addons support added
Fixes few known bug and issue

20 April 2022, V1.0.3

Language issue fixes
Preference setting update issue fixes
Fixes few known issues and bug

18 April 2022, V1.0.2

PHP 8 support added.
MySQL 8 support added.
Pay later enable/disable option added.

PWA app meta inforamtion updated.
Digital product quantity option remove.

Few responsive issues fixes.
Few known issues and bug fixes.

14 April 2022, V1.0.1

Fixes PayTM Configuration Issue
Fixes few known bug
Optimized by database indexing

13 April 2022, V1.0.0

initial release

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