Social Login

  1. Access AddThis Website: Visit the AddThis website at and create an account if you haven't already.

  2. Retrieve API Credentials: Within your AddThis account, navigate to the documentation section where you'll find information on setting up social sharing. Retrieve the API credentials required for Facebook and Google integration. These typically include:

    • Facebook client ID
    • Facebook client secret key
    • Facebook callback URL
    • Google client ID
    • Google secret key
    • Google callback URL
  3. Configure Callback URLs: Ensure that you have configured the callback URLs for both Facebook and Google in your AddThis account. These URLs should match the URLs specified in your ONNO application settings.

  4. Integrate API Credentials: Once you have obtained the necessary API credentials, navigate to the ONNO social login setup page. Input the Facebook client ID, Facebook client secret key, Facebook callback URL, Google client ID, Google secret key, and Google callback URL into the respective fields


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