404 Error

To address the 404 error, you'll need to upload the .htaccess file to your server. Here's how to find and upload it:

  1. Locate the .htaccess file: After downloading the file from Codecanon and unzipping it, ensure you're able to view hidden files on your computer. You can do this by selecting "Show Hidden Files" from the View options in your file explorer.

  2. Find the .htaccess file: Navigate to your project folder, and you should see the .htaccess file. It might initially be hidden, so enabling the option to view hidden files is crucial.

  3. Upload to Server: Once you've located the .htaccess file, upload it to your server. Make sure to select the option to show hidden files on your server as well. This will allow you to see the .htaccess file in your project folder.

  4. Check for Existing .htaccess File: If there's already a .htaccess file present in the project folder on your server, remove it before uploading the new one. This ensures that any conflicts or outdated configurations are avoided.

  5. Verify: After uploading the .htaccess file, ensure that it's correctly placed in the project folder on your server. Check that it's visible and not hidden.

 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/26npgu0

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