Change language

  1. Update Strings.xml: Open the "strings.xml" file located in the "res/values" directory of your app's source code. This file contains the app's text resources in different languages.

  2. Add Language Variation: Define a language variation within the "strings.xml" file for the desired language. This includes providing translations for each text resource in the new language.

  3. Set RTL Attribute (if applicable): If the language is Arabic or any other right-to-left (RTL) language, set the "android:layoutDirection" attribute to "rtl" for the app's layout elements. This ensures proper layout rendering for RTL languages.

  4. Check Device Support: Ensure that your device supports the language you want to use in the app. Some devices may not have the necessary language packs installed or may not support certain languages.

  5. Test the App: Run the app on your device and verify that the language change is reflected correctly. Check the text alignment and layout direction for RTL languages to ensure proper rendering.

Screenshots :

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